The work continues.

Focal Engine

As mentioned in last months blog, we hit some unexpected roadblocks when attempting to update from 1.20.1 to 1.20.4, namely in the GUI department. We are unfortunately still working through those roadblocks, and dotModded will have a bit more to say about that in a moment.

We also confirmed a report about world borders causing Focal to crash the game, found a fix, and have prepared an update to be rolled out soon. Thanks to the community member who reported that, and please, keep the reports coming!

Now for a bit more technical updates regarding our work on 1.20.4 and some Focal VK updates from our lead dev, dotModded:

The update for Focal Engine Alpha on 1.20.4 is still underway. The tool we use to get OptiFine running in a development environment is incompatible with this game version, along with Mojang changing how the GUI works. This has lead to a delay in the release as this tool typically doesn’t break often. We cannot begin work on the GUI until the tool is fixed. I have forked the project and am working on making it compatible with the latest game versions; I’ve already fixed a few things but I’m stuck with OptiFine interfaces not being in the classpath. I hope this issue is resolved soon, however with the complex nature of this project it may take some time. We may focus on getting 1.19.4 working first as little stands in the way of that release.

Focal Engine VK has also made significant progress. To retain compatibility with mods that do custom rendering outside of Minecraft/Forge/Fabric frameworks we create a custom swapchain for OpenGL to render to that Vulkan can then present to the screen. To develop this we create a windowless OpenGL instance for minecraft, supplying framebuffers that are managed by Vulkan to present. Unlike most Vulkan external implementations we enact a (mostly) lock-free system, allowing OpenGL to accept commands as soon as their ready, with Vulkan always presenting the latest complete frame. This allows the framerate to be unbound by Minecraft, delivering low latency mouse input, and reduced microstutter. Creating a system in rust to properly resize these buffers without deleting ones that are in use in OpenGL proved to be extremely difficult as the Vulkan and OpenGL render loops need to be syncronized briefly. Thankfully with Rusts built in thread safety we where able to create a safe way to manage resources between the 2 renderers while remaining lock-free for general gameplay. This marks a major milestone as now we can focus on compositing the two renderers, and connecting focal engine to Minecraft. Everything at first will still be rendered in OpenGL, allowing us to move rendering to Vulkan piece by piece.

Support Focal Engine with a Continuum RT Early Access Subscription

Continuum 2.1 Beta

Continuum 2.1 Beta took yet another step towards RC and eventually a full release this month, with more polish and bug squashing, as well as the Low preset being added! Next up is the previously mentioned ‘Potato’ preset, which we plan to have a bit of fun with. We may also do a Very Low, depending on how the Potato preset goes.

With the Low preset, we managed another ~10% performance bump over Medium, though this time around there were some notable sacrifices, such as Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Clouds, notable shadow quality loss, etc..  Still, for a Low preset, it is still fairly reasonable looking, in our humble opinion.

See below for our full Continuum 2.1 Beta Build 27 changelog.

Continuum 2.1 Beta Build 27 Changelog

  • Added the Low preset! (Roughly 10% faster than Medium)
  • Reduced the movement of vines along the normal axis to fix vines clipping into stationary blocks.
  • Added more steps to the speed and strength sliders for waving foliage.
  • Fixed a visual issue with GI underwater when caustics are disabled


April’s round of updates also brought a new version of Stratum, Build 46. With this update we continued to flesh out the games many Coral’s, with only one left to texture going forward. We also added the Cauldron, which further fills out Stratum’s Tool Blocks. See below for a full changelog.

Stratum Build 46 Changelog


  • Tube Coral
  • Tube Coral Block
  • Tube Coral Fan
  • Dead Tube Coral
  • Dead Tube Coral Block
  • Dead Tube Coral Fan
  • Bubble Coral
  • Bubble Coral Block
  • Bubble Coral Fan
  • Dead Bubble Coral
  • Dead Bubble Coral Block
  • Dead Bubble Coral Fan
  • Cauldron

Tweaks / Fixes

  • Fixed floating piece on Brain Coral and Dead Brain Coral

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As always, thank you for your continued support, and we hope you join us again for next months Progress Update!